Contact us

Please tell us about your pet care needs by filling out this form. We will reply to your request during business hours on the same or next business day.

If your request is for pet care that occurs in the next 7 days, please call us for assistance.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Making a reservation is easy! Simply click on the 'Contact Us' button on our website or give us a call at (805) 679 3270. Our team is always here to assist you in securing a spot for your beloved pet.

We offer a comprehensive suite of pet and home care services tailored to the Montecito lifestyle. Our services include pet sitting, dog walking, overnight pet stays, and special care for elderly or special needs pets. For home care, we provide plant watering, mail collection, light home maintenance, and security checks. Our team is dedicated to ensuring both your pet and home receive the utmost attention and care during your absence.

"Absolutely! We understand that unexpected needs can arise. While we recommend booking in advance to guarantee availability, we always strive to accommodate urgent requests. Please give us a call at [phone number], and we'll do our best to assist you promptly during such times."

Our team is a blend of dedicated professionals with extensive experience in pet and home care. Each staff member undergoes rigorous training, background checks, and is certified in pet first aid and CPR. Many have backgrounds in animal care, home security, or horticulture. Our commitment is to offer Montecito residents a service that stands on a foundation of expertise, trust, and a genuine love for pets and home care.

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