Cat Sitting

Cat Sitting

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1 hr

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About the service

At Montecito Pet Concierge, we recognize the subtle yet significant moments that define our pets' days. Whether it's the midday purr of your cat, the eager anticipation of a play session, or the routine refilling of their water bowl, our Daily Drop-In Visits ensure your pet never misses its everyday joys.

Elevate everyday pet care with Montecito Pet Concierge's Daily Drop-In Visits. Experience seamless blending of routine pet nourishment and attentive home oversight, all curated to keep the heart of your home beating strong, even in your absence.

What's included?

🐾 Moments That Matter
Our service is crafted to mimic the rhythm of your pet's natural day. From feeding and hydration to a dash of playtime and gentle cuddles, we ensure they get the attention they deserve, even in your absence.

🏡 A Touch of Home Care
It's not just about pets. We also keep an eye on your home, be it a quick sweep, checking the mail, or turning off that accidentally left-on light. Your home remains as pristine as you left it, with the added peace of a pet in comfort.

✉ Transparent Communication
Every visit concludes with a quick update for your peace of mind. Expect a brief note or a snapshot capturing your pet's mood and any essential observations from our visit.

🔍 Montecito Distinction
What sets our Daily Drop-In Visits apart? It's the blend of seasoned expertise, personalized attention, and an unwavering commitment to pet and home safety. With Montecito Pet Concierge, daily care evolves into an art form.

How can I make a reservation?

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What services do you offer?

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Do you offer urgent appointments?

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What is your staff experience?

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Schedule a visit

Fill out our service request now, we'll be in touch!

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